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FAQ on Bill Payment
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Features for Safe Online Banking


OnlineCUB provides several inbuilt features for safe and secure banking.

  • Welcome Message and Image recognition:
    Using this option after successfully entering your Login Credential the system will show the Welcome message. After that the system ask to select the Image that you have already selected. After completion of the selection only you are able to enter your Login Password. This security feature will prevent phishing attack
  • OTP
    One time Password (OTP) Which will be sent to your Registered Mobile for every Transaction
  • GRID
    GRID- a table containing column heads and a value for each column. This is sent to your E-Mail
    Address registered with Net Banking
  • Enable High Security
    Never disable the security feature provided by CUB. Customer will be bound by the transaction that happens subsequent to the disabling of the security feature - Multifactor Authentication (MFA). By disabling MFA the customer looses the additional layer of security provided by the Bank.
  • How the Security feature works?

       After entering the Login ID, the system will show 4 random images which include the image you have already selected and the Welcome Message. User have to select the image already registered and click NEXT to proceed to enter the Login Password. (This will protect the phishing attack). If the user has wrongly selected the Image three times the system will show the challenge question originally selected by the user at the time of registration along with the images. User can either answer the challenge question or select the correct image to proceed further.

After entering the Transaction password at the time of authorizing the transactions the system will show two options 1 OTP. 2. GRID. The user has to select any one of the option. If you have selected OTP, an SMS will be sent to your mobile and you have to enter the value mentioned in the SMS in the space provided. If you have selected GRID, the system will prompt the user to enter the corresponding values of the GRID codes shown If the values entered are found to be correct the system proceeds permitting the transactions.






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